Friday, February 27, 2015

2-27-15 Poster Project

#genghisgrillad and #healthkwest
You can connect to my face book with this code.  

This is the poster we worked on prevented to Genghis Grill, to hang iton their   wall  in the restaurant. 

This is the all the photos I submitted to the Kwest 

Theses Three photos above are when we hung the poster today
This is me and one of the managers at the store.  

Please use the code read and like me in facebook

Thursday, February 26, 2015

02-26-15 – Interview with Trainer Kristen.

02-26-15 – Interview with Trainer Kristen

#GenghisGrillAd and #Healthkwest

Today I Interviewed Kristen who is a personal health and fitness field. I asked her for advice on my health Kwest journey. Here is a photo of my idol and our workouts!
Here is the link to my interview on youtube:   
A key to success and persistence and finding a support team which includes a trainer.
If you would like to get in contact with Kristen please email and I will send you her information.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

2-25-15 Whole grain option for every bowl at Genghis

#Healthkwest & # GenghisGrillAd  trivia time!  Today Question, is there are whole grain options for every bowl.  What is one health benefit of eating more whole Grains?

Yes, there is a whole grain option for every bowl.
According to the USDA, eating grains, especially whole grains, provides health benefits. People who eat whole grains as part of a healthy diet have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. Also grains provide many nutrients that are vital for the health and maintenance of our bodies.
The health benefits of consuming whole grains may reduce the risk of heart disease, contains fiber, help with weight management, and grain products are fortified with folate.
USDA states grains are sources of many nutrients, including dietary fiber, several B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate), and minerals (iron, magnesium, andselenium).
Fiber from whole grains may help reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Fiber is essential for proper bowel function; it helps reduce constipation and diverticulosis.
Many refined grains are enriched with B vitamins. Vitamin B thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin play a key role in metabolism – they help the body release energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
Whole grains are sources of magnesium and selenium. Magnesium is a mineral used in building bones and releasing energy from muscles. Selenium protects cells from oxidation, this is important for a healthy immune system.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2-24-15 Today Challenge is a green bowl

2-24-15 Today Challenge is a green bowl

#HealthKwest  #GenghisGrillAd #GenghisGrill
Well I must back up a couple of hours, yesterday I was walking with my husband.  We had to stop and see a beautiful sunset.  I have to share the photos and it was special time we were walking together.
It was cold yesterday but I have to tell ya! it is colder tonight!
Green Bowl, before the wonderful chiefs cooked them.
Today challenge was to build a bowl of greens.  I love vegetables so this was exactly what I was looking for in a challenge.  Tonight I selected celery, green onions, jalapenos, and spinach.  Oh yea and green chili.   All these veggies cooked make a great flavor along with scallops.
Veggies cooked afterwards with Napa Cabbage!!!! Yum!
Tonight we are not walking, it is cold and rainy.  I am going to attempt a workout here at the house watching a exercise videos. I have a hard time following a dance video, I will have to see how I do with this… pictures tomorrow…

Monday, February 23, 2015

02-23-15 Today’s Challenge on my adventure

#GenghisGrillAd, #HealthKwest, & #GenghisGrill
Today’s challenge was to check-in on facebook during our visit to the restaurant.  We were very excited to be their today to show the video to the managers and employees.  The individuals who viewed the movie enjoyed it and thought it was a well done video.
It can be found on youtube called:  2015 Genghis Grill Health Kwest – Uptown Funk – DeBlieck
A special thank you to all the individuals who helped with this planning, developing, and editing the video.  It takes a village to make something this awesome and we did!  You guys rocked it!
DSC00105 DSC00107Next photos are from my work out this morning with Lynette and our trainer Krissy.  She had us working on arms today. I was dying but hey this is so worth the work…  As they say no pain no gain.  I even got on the floor and was able to get up by myself, this was very exciting for me, I have not done that in a long time.
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The next photos are tracking my experiences at the restaurant today. As always it was a wonderful.
2-23-15 Todays check-in at Genghis Grill
Check-in on Facebook
Selfie outside the restaurant today.
The last photo is a special moment when I was driving home, I saw a hawk on our branch out side our home.  I just had to get a photo.  I wished I could have gotten closer.
I thought this was neat to see a Hawk resting in a tree so close to our house.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

02-21-15 – Question for the Day

Today kwest with #GenhgisGrillAd and #healthKwest is to visit their Facebook Page and answer the question that was posted.  The question that is posted is “Introducing our new Green Tea Trio! Health Kwesters: what is one health benefit of Green Tea?”

Today kwest with #GenhgisGrillAd and #healthKwest is to visit their Facebook Page and answer the question that was posted.  The question that is posted is "Introducing our new Green Tea Trio! Health Kwesters: what is one health benefit of Green Tea?" 
There are several  benefits to Green tea, but "one health benefit of green tea" is, it contains vitamins and minerals which is a powerful antioxidant to help fight cancer cells. 
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Green Tea Leaves
Green tea is a hydrating tea that is calorie-free. Although if one selects to add additives or sweeteners it can change the calories consumption. It is a good source of antioxidants and alkaloids.  Green tea contains various Vitamins A, D, E, C, B, B5, H and K.  It has a rich source of Manganese, zinc, chromium, and selenium.  Green has an active component call epigallocatechin-3-gallate; a powerful antioxidant.  It also contains caffeine but it is lower than many other drinks that contain caffeine.
Furthermore, green tee is green because it has not fermented, can be used for cooking as a flavoring, and found as an ice ream flavor.  It is a natural odor abosorber and can repeal fleas. 
Today my friend and I checked into the restaurant at 11 am, I had such fun with the idea we were sitting in the restaurant and the facebook "check-in"  showed us at 300 feet.   I am not quite sure why this happens but  you got to love the nature of technology and satellites.  
I had to take a selfie today but that okay.  It gives me the chance to figure it out.  My hair is a mess because I had to wear a cap at work. The hats at work can make your hair go flat real quick. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

2015 - Walk It Off! #HealthKwest & #GenghisGrillAd

Today's challenge it is to walk it off!  I have been walking everyday approximately 4 miles and weight training about every other day.  I may not be losing the weight as fast as I would like to see it come off but it is. I know as we age our metabolism changes and slows down, I have seen this especially since I turned 50 and to believe this year I turn 52 years of age.  I never thought I would see the day that I would be over 50 years and classified as an mid-life adult. Well that big day did come and go without injury or insult to myself esteem.

I along with many other individuals suffer with anxiety disorder and putting my life blogging my progress and life story on these pages is a new experience.  I feel that I am opening myself up to judgmental individual.  Anxiety disorder is the most common mental illness in the U.S.A., which affects 40 million adults 18 and older. It is a treatable disorder, it cost the US > 42 billion a year in healthcare.  They are 3 to 4 times likely to see the doctor and develop complex set of risks factors. Generalized Anxiety disorder affects 6.8 million adults, or 3.1% and women are twice as likely to be affected.  Individuals can experience exaggerated worry and tension, "often expecting the worst, even when there is no apparent reason for concern. They anticipate disaster and are overly concerned about money, health, family, work, or other issues. 
Early morning brisk walk!
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So why on a day that we are suppose to talk about walking did I start out talking about anxiety. Well the strangest thing happened after I became a contestant for genghis grill  health challenge. My team (made up of my friends), started encouraging me to go back to daily long walks (3-5 miles a day). Last year I  was totally hooked on walking but when I became busy with work and school I slowly stopped going. Now that I think about it, when I walked last year, my anxiety was in check. My return to walking has shown similar success. I wake up before the crack of dawn (since I remain extremely busy) and go for a long walk by myself, with friends or my husband Adam. I have not missed since starting this program and once again my anxiety and anticipatory fears are in check. This is an added benefit of participating in this program.

Sporting my awesome sweat band...
 #HealthKwest & #GenghisGrillAd 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Eat Your Veggies! 2-19-15

Eat Your Veggies! 2-19-15

My challenge today is to list out your favorite veggies I like to get in in my bowl at #GenghisGrill.  First of all I like all the veggies that are located on the Fresh Market Bar, so it is hard to select.  My favorite veggies are:  mushrooms, spinach, onion, bok choy, bell and jalepeno peppers, and finally the best is the Napa Cabbage...
During this #healthKwest journal I have learned a lot of the different types of veggies, which was have how much vitamins, carbs, and fiber value.  Since Napa cabbage is my favorite I thought I would share a little information about it.  Napa cabbage originates near Beijing, it is a type of  Chinese cabbage known as sui choy and is widely used in East Asian cuisine. One cup of napa cabbage contains 13 calories, carbohydrates 2.4g, protein 1.2g, and vitamin A and C have 5% of daily vitamain
Mushrooms are the considered fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus. About one cup of mushrooms have 21 calories, carbs 3.7 g (2.1g which is dietary fiber), Vitamin D is 28%.  Intersting that there is a lot of Vitamin D in the mushrooms. Spinach an edible flowering plant is native to central and southwestern Asia. It is an annual plant, which means it can grow year round.  It has 7 calories, carb 1.1g, dietary fiber (0.7g).  It is loaded with vitamin A at 56% of the daily value, it also has vitamin C at 14%.
Onion, also known as the bulb or common onion, used as a vegetable and is the most widely cultivated vegetable.  It calorie content for 1 medium size is 44.  It carb ratio is 10g and dietary fiber is 1.9g.  It has 1.2 g of protein, how interesting. I would have never thought of an onion with protein.  it has 13% from Vitamin C.  Bok Choy is also consider to be a form of chinese cabbage.  In on cup of it contains 9 calories, carb 1.5g, dietary fiber 0.7g and protein 1g.  Vitamin A is 62% and Vitamin C is 52% of the daily value.
Bell pepper,s are know for the sweet and approximately 1 medium pepper is 24 calories, carbs 6 g and dietary fiber is 2 g.  There is 2.9g of surgar and 1 g of protein.  It serves a 159% of the vitamin C and 8% of vitamin D in this serving size. Jalapeno peppers, known as the chilli pepper can be either red or green and boy it can be spicy… It can give a kick.  One pepper is 4 calories, carbs is 0.9g Vitamin C 27% and it can add a nice flavor to your meal once is it grilled…
Today @LynetteS and I spent lunch with Anita.  We had a really good time.
Having lunch with Anita. We had a great time today.
I have done really good on my challenge as far as it goes with my eating choices and with my exercise.  I have some fantastic coaches, friends and family support.  I want to say thank you.
Although the last two days have been tough on my emotional physic and sometimes when it gets tough I like to binge.  I am learning to control this binge eating.  It is darn hard….
#GenghisGrillAd #HealthKwest and #GenghisGrill

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2-17-15 - Trivial Question

Today I started with a brisk walk with my coach/mentor @LynetteS.  She encouraged me to walk 2 minutes and do a brisk walk for 45 seconds.  At first I could not believe I could not do this.  I thought are you kidding; I did attempt it.  After a few attempts around the indoor track I realized I could do these steps.  At first I could not quite hold my head up without looking down, move my arms, or even by walking on the pads of my feet.  At the end of the 2 minutes, I had to keep reminding myself how to do this step.

After work I did another 2.5 miles with my husband, we had a nice talk and walk around the neighbor. I still can not believe I am walking, walking, and walking.  I realize I need to do this to get a good cardio workout.

I am slowly discovering this cardio work out will help me with my endurance and feeling better about myself and health.

Part of the Genghis health challenge today was to write about the veggies on the fresh bar and which one were high in vitamin C.  I looked at each of the veggies to see which ones, I guess at several but still looked as was surprised on several.  Just because they are green does not always mean they are high in certain vitamins.  Each of the veggies do taste good.

Signing off for tonight


#GenghisGrillAd and #HealthKwest 

Trivia time! Today Challenge

 #HealthKwest and #GenghisGrillAd - Trivia time! The question is to name 3 ingredients from #GenghisGrill Fresh Market Bar which are high in Vitamin C. 

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required by the body for the development and maintenance of sc
ar tissue, blood vessels, and cartilage. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which helps lessen oxidative stress to the body and is thought to lower cancer risk. The current “daily vitamin” for “C” is 60 mg. There are many vegetables with vitamin C available on the bar to consider, they are: 
1) broccoli
2) peas
3) bok choy
4) mandarin oranges
5) bell peppers, 
6) jalapeno 
7) tomatoes, 
8) dark leafy greens i.e. spinach

In a 0.5 cup of broccoli has (65%), 100 grams of green peas have (66%), bok choy 1 cup has (52%), mandarin oranges a 100 grams has (44) %, 10 strips of green bell peppers have approximately (36%), jalapeno pepper has (27%), and one cherry tomato has (4%), and dark leafy greens such has 1 cup of spinach has (14%), of the daily vitamin C requirements. 
These are additional vegetables on the fresh market bar which are also contain Vitamin C such as green beans, onion, pineapple, cabbage, green, and potatoes.