Thursday, February 19, 2015

Eat Your Veggies! 2-19-15

Eat Your Veggies! 2-19-15

My challenge today is to list out your favorite veggies I like to get in in my bowl at #GenghisGrill.  First of all I like all the veggies that are located on the Fresh Market Bar, so it is hard to select.  My favorite veggies are:  mushrooms, spinach, onion, bok choy, bell and jalepeno peppers, and finally the best is the Napa Cabbage...
During this #healthKwest journal I have learned a lot of the different types of veggies, which was have how much vitamins, carbs, and fiber value.  Since Napa cabbage is my favorite I thought I would share a little information about it.  Napa cabbage originates near Beijing, it is a type of  Chinese cabbage known as sui choy and is widely used in East Asian cuisine. One cup of napa cabbage contains 13 calories, carbohydrates 2.4g, protein 1.2g, and vitamin A and C have 5% of daily vitamain
Mushrooms are the considered fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus. About one cup of mushrooms have 21 calories, carbs 3.7 g (2.1g which is dietary fiber), Vitamin D is 28%.  Intersting that there is a lot of Vitamin D in the mushrooms. Spinach an edible flowering plant is native to central and southwestern Asia. It is an annual plant, which means it can grow year round.  It has 7 calories, carb 1.1g, dietary fiber (0.7g).  It is loaded with vitamin A at 56% of the daily value, it also has vitamin C at 14%.
Onion, also known as the bulb or common onion, used as a vegetable and is the most widely cultivated vegetable.  It calorie content for 1 medium size is 44.  It carb ratio is 10g and dietary fiber is 1.9g.  It has 1.2 g of protein, how interesting. I would have never thought of an onion with protein.  it has 13% from Vitamin C.  Bok Choy is also consider to be a form of chinese cabbage.  In on cup of it contains 9 calories, carb 1.5g, dietary fiber 0.7g and protein 1g.  Vitamin A is 62% and Vitamin C is 52% of the daily value.
Bell pepper,s are know for the sweet and approximately 1 medium pepper is 24 calories, carbs 6 g and dietary fiber is 2 g.  There is 2.9g of surgar and 1 g of protein.  It serves a 159% of the vitamin C and 8% of vitamin D in this serving size. Jalapeno peppers, known as the chilli pepper can be either red or green and boy it can be spicy… It can give a kick.  One pepper is 4 calories, carbs is 0.9g Vitamin C 27% and it can add a nice flavor to your meal once is it grilled…
Today @LynetteS and I spent lunch with Anita.  We had a really good time.
Having lunch with Anita. We had a great time today.
I have done really good on my challenge as far as it goes with my eating choices and with my exercise.  I have some fantastic coaches, friends and family support.  I want to say thank you.
Although the last two days have been tough on my emotional physic and sometimes when it gets tough I like to binge.  I am learning to control this binge eating.  It is darn hard….
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