Saturday, February 14, 2015

Today's Challenge-stating my goals

Today challenge is an easy challenge but in other ways it is almost complex.  I have been asked to list the top 3 goals I want to achieve in my #HealthKwest and #GenghisGrillAd.  My goals are important to me and the success of the goals are what keeps me going on the 60 + life long journey.  Here are my goals!

1) I want to become a healthier person 
2) I want to learn to make healthy choices in my selections with my eating habits. 
3)I want to have fun participating, eating healthy combination of food, and meeting new people. 

I am exciting I have been able to succeed at this challenge for six days and counting. My plan is to succeed for 60 days and then every day after that.............  There comes a point when you reach your point.  I have reached my point.  It is not about the diet, exercise, or even eating healthy selections.  It is about finding your inner self, also realizing that you are your vessel and you need to take care of it. There a lot of things that are coming about that need to change and that is where it needs to start. 

 Today is valentine day, I spent the morning with good friend Jean, her children, and her siblings.  I also spend time some great time with my own children: dominic and cecilia.  We walked the streets of the Las Cruces Farmer Markets, looking at crafts, smelling the sweet smell coming from the food trucks, and visiting with friends I have not seen in a while. I did about 7k steps.

Then we went to a Mexican restaurant with more friends, we sat in the patio area and enjoyed each other company.  I want to you to know this is my favorite Mexican food restaurant.  It has a wonderful salsa bar and endless chips.  Not to say the sweet aroma's of chili too.  I kept thinking about my goals and what is important to me.  It was not eating this food; I realized that I was at my weakness.  I did it!  I did it!  I did not go to the salsa bar, eat chips or ate my favorite fried food.  I ate a salad, no dressing, and grill chicken.  I was satisfied, even after watching my friends and family have other selections.  

At five we went to #GenhisGrillAd and had a great bowl with scallops, veggies, and napa cabbage. The photo you see above is from the restaurant....  

You ask where is my spouse and why did we not spend the time together?  He was at work and had to be available for 24 hours.  Mostly likely I will not see him until tomorrow.  I do missing spending our time. 

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