Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Trivia time! Today Challenge

 #HealthKwest and #GenghisGrillAd - Trivia time! The question is to name 3 ingredients from #GenghisGrill Fresh Market Bar which are high in Vitamin C. 

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required by the body for the development and maintenance of sc
ar tissue, blood vessels, and cartilage. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which helps lessen oxidative stress to the body and is thought to lower cancer risk. The current “daily vitamin” for “C” is 60 mg. There are many vegetables with vitamin C available on the bar to consider, they are: 
1) broccoli
2) peas
3) bok choy
4) mandarin oranges
5) bell peppers, 
6) jalapeno 
7) tomatoes, 
8) dark leafy greens i.e. spinach

In a 0.5 cup of broccoli has (65%), 100 grams of green peas have (66%), bok choy 1 cup has (52%), mandarin oranges a 100 grams has (44) %, 10 strips of green bell peppers have approximately (36%), jalapeno pepper has (27%), and one cherry tomato has (4%), and dark leafy greens such has 1 cup of spinach has (14%), of the daily vitamin C requirements. 
These are additional vegetables on the fresh market bar which are also contain Vitamin C such as green beans, onion, pineapple, cabbage, green, and potatoes.

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